So Sunday morning Brooke and I had planned to take a little bike excursion down the Danube. Brooke has done this twice before: once with a group from the Flow House and once with her parents, so we knew the basic logistics of the trip. One thing we did not take into account: absolutely everything going wrong. Two things to keep in mind as you read: 1) Brooke and I had tickets to see a production of "Romeo and Juliet" at the Burgtheatre at 7pm, and 2) pretty much everyone Brooke knows in Austria was out of town for the long weekend (the family, Joe, Joe's aunt).
The general plan was to drive to the Westbanhof station in Vienna (about 45 minutes from the house) and from there take a train to Melk, a small town west of Vienna, then ride our bikes along the Danube north/east as it heads back toward Vienna (see picture I took using GoogleMaps). Brooke would ride her new and quite spiffy road bike and I would borrow the father's mountain bike. We would stop for lunch at a heurigen somewhere along the route, and then make the 5pm train back to Vienna from the Krems station. Seems pretty simple, right? Wrong!
So although we pumped up the tires before leaving the house, we neglected to fully check out the father's bike, which ended up being the source of pretty much all of our woes (but not quite all!). We were running a little late in the morning, but managed to make it to Westbanhof in time to make our 9am train. The trip to Melk took a little over an hour, but that too was uneventful. They also had these nifty little plastic ties to secure your bike -- why hasn't anyone in France thought of this?
It turns out our "Mission Accomplished" came too soon. I hopped on the bike, only to discover that the pedals spun around and around without any pressure; the bike was in the highest gear. So I tugged at the gear shift. Nothing. Uh oh. Brooke hopped on to give it a shot. Nothing. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that not only were the gears disconnected (shifting produced absolutely no result), but the derailer was also nonfunctioning. It wouldn't click into place, so even if we manually set the chain to a lower gear, the derailer would automatically force it back to the highest. In that condition, the bike was inoperable. So, the thinking caps came on. Eventually we wadded up a bunch of paper-toweling from the dispenser near the gas pumps and jammed it inbetween the bike frame and the derailer. Probably not the most technical solution, but, miraculously, it worked! Now the bike was in a medium gear, still too low to move at a quick clip, but ride-able. Determined not to miss this experience, I hopped on and we set off.
Pedaling turned out to be harder than I expected. Although we had inflated both tires that morning, the back tire of my bike was already low and that created a certain amount of bounce with each pedal stroke. The bike frame itself was actually too large for me, and in order to reach the handle bars I had to lock out my elbows. But I had a more-or-less functioning bicycle, so I was game.
The scenery itself was absolutely gorgeous! The sun kept peeking out from behind the clouds, giving us really pretty views of the river itself and the hills on each side. The trees were at the zenith of their autumnal colors and the path wound through some cute little towns and vineyards. There were lots of other people on the path, but not so many that it felt crowded. Since we got sort of a late start, we stopped for lunch after only an hour or so of riding. The heurigen was in a tiny town called Aggsbach-Dorf and when we entered around 2pm we were the only patrons. We decided to order weiner schnitzel and cordon bleu and split them both -- an excellent choice because I ordered the weiner schnitzel but preferred the latter. Our server asked if we wanted fries or salad (in German, he didn't really speak English) and when Brooke asked for one of each I was excited for some leafy greens. It turns out that whenever salad is advertised in conjunction with weiner schnitzel, they mean potato salad: No leafy greens for us! Even if it was gloriously unhealthy, the food was absolutely delicious. Which made what happened next even more embarrassing...
When our server brought us the bill I offered to pay with my French debit card. No luck, they don't take cards. Brooke anticipated this and so we brought cash... but it turned out not enough. There was an extra fee to bring the bikes on the train, which we paid with cash when the conductor came by to check our tickets. So while 30 euro would have been plenty to cover our bill (22.50 euro), 20 euro was most definitely not enough. Brooke asked where the bank-o-mat could be found. "Melk." Yup, the nearest ATM was back in the town we had just come from, an hour's ride. So, with very plaintive and sheepish looks, we asked for the server's name (the restaurant address was on the receipt) and promised to mail him the rest (plus, of course, a bonus for the trouble). He was definitely irked, but he let us leave (which makes him Austrian man #2).
We had been walking for probably 25 minutes when another cyclist passed us, stopped, and circled back. He asked us if something was wrong and offered us his spare tire. Unfortunately it was for a road bike, so it wouldn't do my bike any good. We told him about our predicament and he expressed some skepticism about the plan of walking all the way to Krems. He told us he had another 45 minutes left for his ride, but that afterward he could pick us up in his car and drop us off at the Krems train station on his way to check out an apartment in Vienna. So here was the dilemna: accept this gracious offer from a stranger (who seemed nice enough, but I guess the bad ones don't usually care around signs) or politely decline and walk all the way to Krems, which could be more or less dangerous. After some careful consideration, we went with option A. The man (late 20s, silly-looking facile hair but otherwise quite pleasant, named Christian) told us he would meet us along the route between that point and Krems, by a ferry stop. We exchanged phone numbers and set off. Before he left though, Christian informed us that unfortunately he only had room in his car for 2 people and 1 bike or 2 bikes and 1 person but not both. He left it to us to figure out how we wanted to arrange it.