To say this weekend was a lot of fun would be a gross understatement. I had a wonderful time at the Discolorful tournament in Tongeren, Belgium with the Friz'Bisontins. Technically Franzi and I played with the Rainbow Warriors, a co-ed team composed mostly of players from Lille (a city north of Paris). Souki (top left in the picture below) used to live in Besançon and played with the Friz'Bistonins. Actually, he got his degree in geology at the university in Besançon and knows my apartment-mate Charly. Small world. Anyway, the weekend was a huge success. It is late and I am tired -- we had practice tonight even though we had a tournament this weekend -- so the rest of the details will have to wait. But in the meantime here are a few team pictures... I promise Kelsey is wearing his shorts behind the disc.
They gave us this Jenga game in our team tournament bag. We were more or less successful in recreating the visual though...
The party on Saturday night had a "slumber party" theme and, in lieu of wearing pajamas, I made my own Twister t-shirt (g-rated, I measured before I colored the circles :-) ). Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera to dinner/the party so this picture I got from Sophie is the only one I have. I'm not sure if this reflects the lack of females at the party (10 guys teams plus 10 co-ed, mostly-guys teams equals quite a gender-ratio imbalance), but I won the award for "best costume" for girls. The prize? A 75cl bottle of Grimbergen Selection (see picture below).
The Rainbow Warriors won the Spirit award in the co-ed division! The prize? 8 bottles of specialty Belgian beers. I'm sensing a trend here... And I'm holding my "Best Costume" prize.
From L to R, back: Fred, GuiGui, Luis, Romain, Gaël, Alex, front row: Colin, Tété, Gaëtan.
Plus Franzi and me! I'm sorry Gaël had to mess this one up. And believe it or not Alex has his eyes closed in every single team picture I have. I think he might have done it on purpose.

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